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Royal United Services Institute of Victoria Annual Luncheon

November 18 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Luncheon at Angliss Restaurant 550 Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne at 12-00 pm for 12-30pm

Dress: Lounge Suit/Jacket and Tie
(no medals or decorations)
Ladies: Day Dress
The cost of this function is $45 per person and includes pre-lunch drinks and table wines

Book early to avoid disappointment. Bookings close on Monday 11th November 2024
Please advise attendance as below either by email or post.

Download and complete the attendance form here.


November 18
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Angliss restaurant
550 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia
+ Google Map

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