The series of insightful and in-depth military history presentations by noted speakers. The presentations are held online via from 6.45PM for a 7PM start.
The Speaker Program 2025.
• 19 February – Dive! Australian submariners at war. Presented by Mike Carlton
It is necessary that all audience members pre-book their ticket so that we can organise the appropriate online facility.
Seminar Speaker Program Logistics. The MHHV seminar speaker series will run between 7.00 – 8.00 pm.
Entry & Catering. The online seminar speaker series will attract an entry fee $5 for MHHV members, veterans, concession card holders and students while all other guests will be $10 to cover all costs
For more information on the MHHV Speaker series please contact:
MHHV Secretary: Jason McGregor on 0419 256 681 or email
Speaker Series Coordinator: Brent Taylor on email
The Pompey Elliott Memorial Hall was filled to capacity on Wednesday October 25 2017 as Professor Perry addressed a rapt audience of 80.
Thoughts of the First World War typically conjure images of deep muddy trenches, barbed wire and craters; yet during the summer of 1918 after the German Spring offensive had culminated, […]
It is now almost a year since my book The High Life of Oswald Watt was published.
Professor Edwards presented a fascinating review of some of the many myths surrounding the Vietnam War to an audience of 50 at the Pompey Elliott Memorial Hall, Wednesday 15 March […]
This lively panel discussion held at the Pompey Elliott RSL August 10 2016 in front of some 50 people.
From the Boer War to Vietnam and beyond, Australians have long relied on war correspondents to bring home reports from the front lines of conflict.
The Battle of Fromelles is the worst 24 hours in Australian history claimed historian Dr Ross McMullin.
On 11th May 2016 Kate Luciano was MHHV’s monthly Military History Speaker. In it she summarised the post WW1 Victorian Soldier Settlement Scheme helped settle some 11,639 out of the […]